– C: libevent seems to give best performance, but also low level.
– C++: drogon has websocket support, but no sse. async.
– C++: poco is sync.
– C++: workflow is low level, hard to use. wfrest has convenient apis, sse support in trunk.
– C++: boost/beast has poor performance, and cannot utilize multi-core cpu.
– C++: oatpp is async, but complex framework.
– Better use high level languages like Java or Go if running a web application.
See Techempower. This repository contains homemade java benchmarks using spring-mvc, spring-webflux and netty-http/netty-tcp servers based on reactor-netty. gin and gnet are also included. wrk is used as client. gobench is also considered but it is not so good as wrk.
2 VM Clients are not able to fully utilize the server capability. The initial attempts were benchmarking only first 4 cases. And the go-gnet results made me wonder, it can give much more throughput. After reading the source of it, I found go-gnet case is actually a TCP server with very very little of HTTP implementation to fulfill the benchmark, which is unfair for other cases. Therefore, I added case 5/6 in java to align with it.
Environment 2
Server: 24C32G physical machine
4C8G vm * 2
8C16G vm * 1
24C32G physical machine * 1
Server Throughput
Server CPU
~120k /s
~180k /s
~380k /s
560k ~ 580k /s
560k ~ 580k /s
560k ~ 580k /s
Still room to give more throughput in go-gnet and netty-tcp cases. Not having so many idle systems for benchmarking now. The throughput should have a linear increment when more CPU is utilized, in both cases.
As a developer, spring-mvc or go-gin can still be the first choice, as they are easier to get started.