There are hundreds of documents telling how Windows implements its system call, using int 2e
or sysenter
. But I can find no code to run to learn how exactly it works. And I managed to write it for my own.
The C code requires only SDK to compile, for I have copied all DDK definitions inline. It opens a C:\test.txt
file and write Hello World!
to it. Quite simple. I’ve tried a HelloWorld console application. But its call sequence is far more complex than I have expected, after I have made some reverse engineering and read some code from ReactOS project(Wine does not help, since it does not implement a Win32 compatible call sequence in the console case). The code is the basis of our further investigation. It invokes NtCreateFile()
, NtWriteFile()
and NtClose()
in ntdll.dll
with dynamic loading:
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#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #define FILE_OVERWRITE_IF 0x00000005 #define FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT 0x00000020 #define OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE 0x00000200L #define NT_SUCCESS(Status) ((NTSTATUS)(Status) >= 0) typedef LONG NTSTATUS; typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; PWSTR Buffer; } UNICODE_STRING, *PUNICODE_STRING; typedef struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES { ULONG Length; HANDLE RootDirectory; PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName; ULONG Attributes; PVOID SecurityDescriptor; // Points to type SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR PVOID SecurityQualityOfService; // Points to type SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE } OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES, *POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES; typedef struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK { union { NTSTATUS Status; PVOID Pointer; }; ULONG_PTR Information; } IO_STATUS_BLOCK, *PIO_STATUS_BLOCK; typedef VOID (NTAPI *PIO_APC_ROUTINE) ( IN PVOID ApcContext, IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, IN ULONG Reserved ); typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI *FnNtCreateFile)( PHANDLE FileHandle, ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, PLARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize, ULONG FileAttributes, ULONG ShareAccess, ULONG CreateDisposition, ULONG CreateOptions, PVOID EaBuffer, ULONG EaLength ); typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI *FnNtWriteFile)( HANDLE FileHandle, HANDLE Event, PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine, PVOID ApcContext, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Length, PLARGE_INTEGER ByteOffset, PULONG Key ); typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI *FnNtClose)( HANDLE Handle ); int main() { HMODULE hModule; FnNtCreateFile pfnNtCreateFile; FnNtWriteFile pfnNtWriteFile; FnNtClose pfnNtClose; hModule = LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll"); /* always 0x7c900000 on XP */ if (hModule == NULL) { return -1; } pfnNtCreateFile = (FnNtCreateFile)GetProcAddress(hModule, "NtCreateFile"); /* 0x7c90d090 */ pfnNtWriteFile = (FnNtWriteFile)GetProcAddress(hModule, "NtWriteFile"); /* 0x7c90df60 */ pfnNtClose = (FnNtClose)GetProcAddress(hModule, "NtClose"); /* 0x7c90cfd0 */ if (pfnNtCreateFile == NULL || pfnNtWriteFile == NULL || pfnNtClose == NULL) { FreeLibrary(hModule); return -1; } else { NTSTATUS ntStatus; UNICODE_STRING us; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; HANDLE hFile; char szHello[] = "Hello World!"; us.Buffer = L"\\??\\C:\\test.txt"; us.Length = (USHORT)wcslen(us.Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR); us.MaximumLength = us.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); oa.Length = sizeof(oa); oa.RootDirectory = NULL; oa.ObjectName = &us; oa.Attributes = OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE; oa.SecurityDescriptor = NULL; oa.SecurityQualityOfService = NULL; ntStatus = pfnNtCreateFile(&hFile, GENERIC_ALL | SYNCHRONIZE, &oa, &ioStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0, FILE_OVERWRITE_IF, FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create file, error = 0x%x\n", ntStatus); FreeLibrary(hModule); return -1; } ntStatus = pfnNtWriteFile(hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ioStatusBlock, szHello, (ULONG)strlen(szHello), NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(ntStatus)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to write file, error = 0x%x\n", ntStatus); FreeLibrary(hModule); return -1; } pfnNtClose(hFile); } FreeLibrary(hModule); return 0; } |
I found the handle value and all three function pointers are fixed, at least on my Windows XP(SP3). It may be caused by the preferred base address of ntdll.dll
. The code should work on all Windows platforms, since it has no hardcoded values.
Now, translate the C code into assembly. Error handling is ommitted:
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.386 .model flat,stdcall .data ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; SDK prototypes ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; NULL EQU 0 UNICODE_STRING STRUCT Len WORD ? MaximumLength WORD ? Buffer DWORD ? UNICODE_STRING ENDS OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES STRUCT Len DWORD ? RootDirectory DWORD ? ObjectName DWORD ? Attributes DWORD ? SecurityDescriptor DWORD ? SecurityQualityOfService DWORD ? OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ENDS IO_STATUS_BLOCK STRUCT Status DWORD ? Pointer DWORD ? IO_STATUS_BLOCK ENDS ExitProcess PROTO :DWORD ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Program declarations ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; IMPORTANT: The paddding is required!! STR_HELLO DB "Hello World!",0,0,0,0 STR_FILE WORD "\","?","?","\","C",":","\","t","e","s","t",".","t","x","t",0 .code NtCreateFile PROC ; 25h(XP) or 42h(Win7) mov eax, 25h mov edx, 7ffe0300h call DWORD PTR [edx] retn 2ch NtCreateFile ENDP NtWriteFile PROC ; 112h(XP) or 18ch(Win7) mov eax, 112h mov edx, 7ffe0300h call DWORD PTR [edx] retn 24h NtWriteFile ENDP NtClose PROC ; 19h(XP) or 32h(Win7) mov eax, 19h mov edx, 7ffe0300h call DWORD PTR [edx] retn 4h NtClose ENDP main PROC ;LOCAL ntStatus:DWORD LOCAL us:UNICODE_STRING LOCAL oa:OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES LOCAL ioStatusBlock:IO_STATUS_BLOCK LOCAL hFile:DWORD ; 1. initialization mov us.Buffer, OFFSET STR_FILE mov us.Len, 30 mov us.MaximumLength, 32 mov oa.Len, TYPE OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES mov oa.RootDirectory, NULL lea eax, [us] mov oa.ObjectName, eax ; OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE mov oa.Attributes, 200h mov oa.SecurityDescriptor, NULL mov oa.SecurityQualityOfService, NULL ; 2. parameters of NtCreateFile push 0 push NULL ; FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT push 20h ; FILE_OVERWRITE_IF push 5h push 0 ; FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL push 80h push NULL lea eax, [ioStatusBlock] push eax lea eax, [oa] push eax ; GENERIC_ALL | SYNCHRONIZE push 10100000h lea eax, [hFile] push eax ; 3. call NtCreateFile call NtCreateFile ; 4. parameters of NtWriteFile push NULL push NULL push 12 push OFFSET STR_HELLO lea eax, [ioStatusBlock] push eax push NULL push NULL push NULL push hFile ; 5. call NtWriteFile call NtWriteFile ; 6. parameters of NtClose push hFile ; 7. call NtClose call NtClose ; 8. Exit ;INVOKE ExitProcess, 0 ret main ENDP END main |
Compile the code with:
1 2 |
# ml /c testnt.asm # link /subsystem:console testnt.obj |
The assembly code of NtCreateFile()
, NtWriteFile()
and NtClose()
are copied directly from ntdll.dll
. For NtCreate()
, 25h
is the system service number that will be used to index into the KiServiceTable
(SSDT, System Service Dispatch Table) to locate the kernel function that handles the call.
System service numbers vary between Windows versions. This is why they are not recommend to be used directly to invoke system calls. I only demonstrate the approach here. For Windows XP, the values of the three numbers are 25h
, 112h
and 19h
. While for Windows 7, they are 42h
, 18ch
and 32h
. Change them yourself if you’re running Windows 7. For a complete list of system service numbers, refer here or dissemble your ntdll.dll
manually :). The output executable is a tiny one, only 3KB in size, since it eliminates the usage of CRT. Moreover, it has an empty list of import functions!
At 7ffe0300h is a pointer to the following code:
1 2 |
mov edx, esp sysenter |
NOTE: The assembly code may work only when compiled to a 32-bit application. 64-bit mode is not tested and need modification to work.
One last point, it seems the STR_HELLO
string is required to be aligned to 8 byte border. Otherwise, you will get 0x80000002